Berikut beberapa tips sebelum berburu kamera digital:
1. Resolusi
Gambar digital dibuat oleh titik-titik yang disebut piksel. Resolusi ini merujuk pada banyaknya piksel yang bekerja sama membuat suatu foto. Biasanya ditunjukkan oleh horisontal x vertikal. Resolusi 1280 x 960 memiliki total 1,2 Megapiksel. Semakin besar resolusi akan memproduksi foto yang juga lebih baik.
Sesuaikan resolusi yang ditawarkan dengan pilihan Anda. Biasanya dalam satu kamera tersedia pilihan resolusi yang berbeda. Jika hanya ingin mengirim foto melalui e-mail, resolusi 640 x 480 sudah memadai. Tapi jika ingin mencetak sebaiknya pilih resolusi yang lebih besar, agar gambar tidak pecah dan buram.
2. Pastikan Fitur Pendukung Lainnya
Sebelum membeli, pastikan kamera digital pilihan Anda memiliki beberapa fitur pendukung seperti kemampuan memori tambahan. Ini untuk memperbesar gudang penyimpanan foto Anda.
Jika sesekali menginginkan gambar bergerak, pilih kamera yang mendukung video. Beberapa kamera digital datang dengan kemampuan audio saja. Sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan anda. Video atau audio?
Selain itu perhatikan kemampuan zoom yang ditawarkan. Optical zoom menjadi pusat perhatian ketimbang digital zoom, si perangkat lunak yang menyediakan fasilitas cropping dan memperbesar gambar.
3. Lampu Kilat (Flash)
Rata-rata produk kamera digital dilengkapi dengan lampu kilat yang terintegrasi. Ada yang otomatis, atau perlu menekan tombol on untuk menjalankannya. Flash berguna sebagai pendukung cahaya. Gambar yang diambil dalam kondisi agak gelap dapat tetap tampil maksimal dengan bantuan lampu menyilaukan ini. Perhatikan juga apakah si ramping memiliki fitur tambahan seperti pengurang efek mata merah. Beberapa produk juga datang dengan pilihan foto untuk pengambilan gambar di malam hari atau night scene.
4. Layar LCD
Layar LCD di bagian belakang kamera digital memudahkan Anda melihat obyek. Disini anda juga bisa melihat dan menghapus gambar yang tidak diinginkan. Pilih layar LCD dengan kandungan resolusi yang cukup besar sehingga warna yang tampil lebih natural. Ukuran layar juga berbeda-beda. Pastikan layar tidak terlalu kecil, sehingga gambar bisa tampil maksimal.
5. Self-Timer
Self timer biasanya bisa mencapai 10 detik. Selain memudahkan memotret gambar diri, fitur ini juga berguna untuk mengambil gambar dalam keadaan cahaya yang kurang karena bisa mengurangi guncangan akibat tekanan pada tombol pengambilan gambar.
6. Daya Tahan Baterai
Kalau tak ingin kesenangan terputus gara-gara baterei loyo, Anda perlu memperhatikan berapa lama sumber listrik ini bisa bertahan. Memilih baterai yang bisa diisi ulang (rechargeable) adalah tindakan bijaksana dan lebih hemat.
7. Koneksi
Perhatikan apakah kamera digital Anda bisa berhubungan intim dengan perangkat digital lainnya seperti televisi, printer, PC atau Mac. Anda akan tertolong dengan adanya USB kabel.
Anda juga bisa mencetak gambar dengan bantuan kabel USB. Beberapa kamera digital sudah mendukung PictBridge yang membuat Anda leluasa mencetak gambar langsung dari kamera digital meski mereknya berbeda.
Adapun keenam vendor yang mempelopori standar terbuka itu adalah Canon, Hewleet-Packard, Seiko Epson Corporation, Olympus Optical Company, Fuji Photo Film Corporation, dan Sony Corporation.
8. Kalkulasi Harga
Jangan lupa untuk mengkalkulasi harga perangkat pendukung lainnya seperti baterei isi ulang dan adapter AC.
9. Waktu Operasi
Pilih kamera digital yang tidak butuh waktu terlalu banyak setelah jeda pengambilan gambar. Selisih waktu 4 hingga 6 detik saja mungkin membuat Anda kurang puas dengan kinerja si ramping.
10. Bandingkan Harga dan Garansi
Jangan hanya terpikat pada satu toko saja. Kalau ada waktu luang tidak ada salahnya Anda melakukan riset kecil-kecilan sebelum membeli.
Margin keuntungan yang berbeda menjadi sumber mengapa harga yang Anda temui di toko yang satu tidak sama dengan yang lain. Perhatikan juga garansi.
Akhirnya jangan hanya terpikat pada bentuk tubuh yang menggoda, tapi perhatikan isi atau fitur yang ada di dalam suatu produk.
Selamat menikmati langsing bodinya tapi padat fiturnya.
courtesy from :
Monday, April 27, 2009
recommended camera
I start with normal camera recommendations for normal people who just want great pictures, and get to suggestions for dedicated photographers, and end with great gift suggestions.
Clicking the camera links (or clicking the cameras themselves) will get you to my detailed reviews, or to pages with lots of data on them if I don't have a personal review yet.
If you find this page helpful, you can help me keep helping you by using the links I've provided to Adorama, Amazon, Calumet, Ritz, B&H and J&R when you get anything.
I've been using these great stores myself for years (or decades), using these links costs you nothing (and probably saves you money), gets you the same great service I've enjoyed myself, and most importantly, is what helps me keep adding to and keeping this page current.
Forget Resolution
Resolution, expressed in megapixels, is no longer relevant. Forget it when comparing cameras.
As of 2009, resolution is nothing more than a sales pitch to get you to pay more. I've made great-looking 12x18" (30x50cm) prints from a three megapixel camera, and fantastic 20x30" (50x75cm) prints from a 6 MP Nikon D40 camera.
I usually shoot my higher-resolution cameras turned back down to 6MP anyway!
Even the very cheapest cameras here have at least 6MP, so ignore pixels.
Have you ever noticed that the only people trying to convince you to buy a more expensive camera are people who are either trying to sell you one, or people who want some sort of recognition for themselves having bought expensive gear? I have nothing to sell you, which is why I suggest the D40 as the best serious camera for anyone who's reading this page.
courtesy from
Clicking the camera links (or clicking the cameras themselves) will get you to my detailed reviews, or to pages with lots of data on them if I don't have a personal review yet.
If you find this page helpful, you can help me keep helping you by using the links I've provided to Adorama, Amazon, Calumet, Ritz, B&H and J&R when you get anything.
I've been using these great stores myself for years (or decades), using these links costs you nothing (and probably saves you money), gets you the same great service I've enjoyed myself, and most importantly, is what helps me keep adding to and keeping this page current.
Forget Resolution
Resolution, expressed in megapixels, is no longer relevant. Forget it when comparing cameras.
As of 2009, resolution is nothing more than a sales pitch to get you to pay more. I've made great-looking 12x18" (30x50cm) prints from a three megapixel camera, and fantastic 20x30" (50x75cm) prints from a 6 MP Nikon D40 camera.
I usually shoot my higher-resolution cameras turned back down to 6MP anyway!
Even the very cheapest cameras here have at least 6MP, so ignore pixels.
Have you ever noticed that the only people trying to convince you to buy a more expensive camera are people who are either trying to sell you one, or people who want some sort of recognition for themselves having bought expensive gear? I have nothing to sell you, which is why I suggest the D40 as the best serious camera for anyone who's reading this page.
courtesy from
how to make great pictures
How to make great pictures
Lighting is the most important technical aspect of any photograph. Cameras, lenses, and everything else are completely irrelevant unless you have good enough light to make a good photo.
No amount of Photoshop or plug-in software filters can replicate good light.
No amount of Hollywood special effects can change the lighting if it wasn't there to begin with, unless you repaint each and every pixel the hard way.
How do we get great light in Hollywood? We make it with three trucks of generators and lighting equipment. That's all the junk you see on a movie set: it's all the lights, scrims, gobos and supports for it all. Half the names you read in the credits are the guys who have to rig all this up. All that lighting is there to make everything look natural, as if there was no artificial lighting used at all. The camera itself is tiny by comparison.
When you shoot in a studio, or shoot smaller subjects like people outdoors, you can bring your own lighting. When it comes to photographing mountains, you're probably going to have to take whatever light you're dealt by God and nature. Most of my discussion refers to natural light; in a studio, its far more complex. In all cases, you follow your eye to highlight what you want, and downplay what you don't.
This article mostly deals with natural lighting. For studio lighting, see Studio Lighting.
When you work in nature and don't have a $10,000,000 budget to create your own lighting outdoors, you have to wait for nature to do its thing.
No matter how expensive your camera, lighting is everything, so if you don't have spectacular light, you won't get spectacular images.
Here's an example. Roll your mouse over the image to see this same shot made a few hours later in better light.
Lighting is the most important technical aspect of any photograph. Cameras, lenses, and everything else are completely irrelevant unless you have good enough light to make a good photo.
No amount of Photoshop or plug-in software filters can replicate good light.
No amount of Hollywood special effects can change the lighting if it wasn't there to begin with, unless you repaint each and every pixel the hard way.
How do we get great light in Hollywood? We make it with three trucks of generators and lighting equipment. That's all the junk you see on a movie set: it's all the lights, scrims, gobos and supports for it all. Half the names you read in the credits are the guys who have to rig all this up. All that lighting is there to make everything look natural, as if there was no artificial lighting used at all. The camera itself is tiny by comparison.
When you shoot in a studio, or shoot smaller subjects like people outdoors, you can bring your own lighting. When it comes to photographing mountains, you're probably going to have to take whatever light you're dealt by God and nature. Most of my discussion refers to natural light; in a studio, its far more complex. In all cases, you follow your eye to highlight what you want, and downplay what you don't.
This article mostly deals with natural lighting. For studio lighting, see Studio Lighting.
When you work in nature and don't have a $10,000,000 budget to create your own lighting outdoors, you have to wait for nature to do its thing.
No matter how expensive your camera, lighting is everything, so if you don't have spectacular light, you won't get spectacular images.
Here's an example. Roll your mouse over the image to see this same shot made a few hours later in better light.
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